Packed house turned out on a cold, rainy night for first one at Oberon’s
By Tod Davies and Bert Etling,
An editor, reporter, several board members and dozens of people interested in Ashland news walked into a bar.
“What are you interested in reading about?” asked the former. “Ashland news!” said the latter.
So it went Wednesday, March 29, at the first happy hour at Oberon’s Restaurant & Bar on the Plaza, “Ashland’s most Ashlandiest spot,” according to its tagline.
It was a cold and rainy night, but inside Oberon’s the warmth was palpable. The first of’ community happy hours was underway, and the festive feeling was contagious.
More than 50 attendees came in out of the wet to meet the staff and board of, have a little something to eat or drink, and share their thoughts and questions about what local news can mean to our community. Oberon’s provided not just a congenial space, but also the “Prior Restraint,” a cocktail invented just for the occasion (pomegranate molasses, bourbon, lemon, and simple syrup, in case you wondered).
Editor Bert Etling jumped up on a bench to welcome the convivial crowd. He introduced Holly Dillemuth, lead reporter for, and gave a shout out to former board president, Herb Rothschild, “who had the idea and started us going.”
Etling said he had no idea that would so quickly find a place in the town’s heart, and gave the happy hour group a hearty thank you.
“It’s you, and the Sustainers, the ones who donate $5, $10, $20 a month, that keep your local news source going and growing.”
The happy hour series of will also keep “going and growing.” Look for it the last Wednesday of every month. It’s an informal, convivial place to share your questions and comments with
The April edition is coming up from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday April 26, upstairs at Martino’s Upstairs at 58 E. Main St., Ashland.
Tod Davies is an board member. Bert Etling is executive editor of Email him at