Feeling down? Picked on? Curious? Our advice columnist is here for you no matter what your mood
By Strider the Dog
Dear Strider,
The news out there is bad. I know I should stop reading/listening/watching it, but I can’t seem to. There are some days when I don’t want to get out of bed, I just want to pull the covers over my head and hide.
Do you ever feel like that? What do you do when depression hits?
— Sad Ashlander
Dear Sad,
Don’t be sad. Be happy! Every day is a new one, and a new chance to find something wonderful outside. There are good things to eat. There are great things to smell. There are people to meet, many of them with treats in their pockets. There are dogs to pet!
I hate that you’re sad. I mean, sadness has its place, and there are reasons to be sad, I get you there. You don’t want to pretend you’re happy when you’re not. But you also don’t want to waste any of this time we have on the planet. Dogs don’t want to waste it either. Come to think of it, there are all these dogs in the shelter here needing to be walked. They’re sad for a real reason. But it wouldn’t take much to make them happy.
I’m thinking if you throw off those bed covers, shut off your phone and head on out to volunteer as a dog walker at the Jackson County Animal Shelter, the happiness you bring to any dog you take out for a stroll is going to make you feel just great.
Anyway, it’ll make the dog feel great. That’s value added for sure.
Just saying.
Dear Strider,
Every picture I see of you shows you smiling, even laughing. You are obviously one happy dog. Do tell — what is your secret to happiness?
— Grumpy Gus
Dear Grumpy,
It’s no secret! Every day since I found my forever home and knew Tod would always be there has been filled with bliss. All those good things to eat! All those great things to smell! All those people to meet, most of them with treats in their pockets. Well, I repeat myself, sure, but it bears repeating, don’t you think?
(See above.)
All those trees, that grass, those flowers, those birds. The ocean! The river that runs into the ocean! Lying on the deck in the sun! Hanging out with the Old Cedar Tree! Waiting for Tod to finish breakfast to see if there’s a plate with egg on it to lick.
Duck treats from Bi-Mart.
My best friend, Koda, coming to stay when his guardians have to drive somewhere and it’s too hot to leave him in the car.
I could go on. The world is a wonderful place. It keeps turning, and sometimes it’s sad, sometimes it’s hard, and then, all of a sudden, when you least expect it, a squirrel comes up to the window and gives you a wink, or Tapper the Junco swoops down over you and does a twirl in the sky just to remind you you’re pals. I mean, I laughed out loud when that happened.
It sure beats being a street dog, I can tell you that.
How about you, Grumpy? What makes you happy?
Inquiring dog minds want to know. Seriously.
Dear Strider,
My brother drives me crazy. He’s always criticizing the kinds of things I like: books, music, TV series, everything. He never has a good thing to say about any of it, but gets this kind of superior look on his face when he tells me what bad taste I have.
How do I get him to stop doing this? Do you have any advice for me?
— Annoyed Sister
Dear Annoyed,
Next time he does it, just say, “Thank you for spending so much time worrying about my choices in life.” Then when he does it again, just look at him blankly, give a vague smile, and say, “Thank you.” That should slow him down. Eventually he’ll get tired of the game and turn to someone else to help him feel superior. And then you can get back to enjoying life without being messed with.
Good luck.
Dear Strider,
I’m curious. I love music. Do dogs? Do you like music? If so, what’s your favorite kind?
— Musically Inclined
Dear Musically,
I really like Taylor Swift. But who doesn’t?
Also, my favorite song is “Time is a Healer.” (Editor’s note: Strider actually thinks this song is called “Time is a Heeler.” Don’t tell him I changed the typo.)
Thanks for asking.
Got an itch that needs to be scratched? Want to bark or even howl? Share it with the former street dog, our Ashland.news advice columnist. Email [email protected].