Council to review hazard mitigation plan at Monday’s study session
By Morgan Rothborne,
A natural hazard mitigation plan will be considered by Ashland City Council during the Monday, Sept. 16, study session meeting.
The plan will “recognize the threat natural hazards pose to people, property and infrastructure,” while also “undertaking hazard mitigation,” according to meeting materials.
During the Tuesday business meeting, council will entertain another discussion of a “new framework” for better cooperation between the Ashland Parks & Recreation Commission and Ashland City Council. A previous draft of the framework was discussed at a joint meeting between the city’s two elected bodies in August, as previously reported by
Council will also consider a resolution to withdraw an annexed area from Fire District No. 5 as part of an annexation and zone change in order to continue with the upcoming East Main Park project and review a second reading of an ordinance related to noise such as that created by leaf blowers and construction equipment, as well as an ordinance related to utility billing processes for delinquent accounts. Council will also vote on a contract to seismically strengthen a section of the Talent-Ashland-Phoenix (TAP) water supply intertie infrastructure.
Also in council business Tuesday, under the consent agenda, is a resolution to move $3,311,198 from the parks general fund to the city general fund, equipment fund and health benefits fund “to close out funds considered unnecessary,” according to meeting materials.
The meetings will be held in the Ashland City Council chamber, 1175 East Main St. The study session Monday begins at 5:30 p.m., while the Tuesday business meeting will begin at 6 p.m. Both meetings can be attended in person or watched remotely through Channel 9 or Channels 180 and 181 (Charter Communications) or live streamed via select RVTV Prime. Public testimony will be accepted and can be delivered either via Zoom, in person, or as written comment. To sign up for public comment, fill out the public testimony form.
Email reporter Morgan Rothborne at [email protected].