Postcards from the Rogue Valley


‘The Really Big One’: Not if, but when

Here in the Pacific Northwest, there’s a risk no one wants to think about: “The Really Big One,” a magnitude 9 earthquake along a 700-mile stretch of coast — from Mendocino in Northern California to Vancouver Island in Canada — followed by waves reaching 100 feet high. Seismologists call it the Cascadia subduction zone, where the oceanic Juan de Fuca Plate moves to the east and slides below the much larger, mostly continental North American Plate.

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Conscious Design Build Ashland Oregon
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Immigrants in Oregon could be significantly impacted by Trump’s second term

Oregon is preparing for what could be sweeping changes to its immigration landscape with President Donald Trump back in office. The state is home to about 120,000 undocumented immigrants. There are also tens of thousands more people living in Oregon under other designations, including those fleeing violence and persecution, workers who are here on the H-1B visa, or international students enrolled in Oregon universities. The state also has one of the broadest sanctuary laws in the U.S.

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A festival of fermented foods this weekend in Phoenix

Phoenix is about to bubble over with excitement with a weekend extravaganza celebrating all things fermented. Fermentopia takes center stage Saturday and Sunday at the Phoenix Civic Center. Featuring such products as sauerkraut, sourdough, kombucha and kimchi, the event promises a feast of flavors designed to leave taste buds cultured and curiosity stirred.

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Local creativity on display during quarterly Talent Art Walk Friday

Talent will host winter’s quarterly Talent Art Walk on Friday, an event that brings together artists, local business owners, nonprofit leaders, and community members for an evening of art, culture, and connection. The event is set for 5 to 7 p.m. Friday, Jan. 24, with some locations open until 8 p.m. at different participating locations around downtown Talent.

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