Rogue Grapevine

Rogue Grapevine

Rogue Grapevine: A tale of two winemakers

Rogue Grapevine: “This is a story about journeys that start in one direction and end up going in another, where both choice and accident play a part and deviations along the path turn out to be positive. It involves winemakers Brian Gruber and Vince Vidrine.”

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Rogue Grapevine: Will 2022 be a good year?

MJ Daspit: “Rogue Valley wine grower Terry Sullivan keeps a yearly record of what he calls season milestones, noting the dates of budbreak, flowering, onset of ripening and harvest. Budbreak is the point in spring when the vines emerge from dormancy and show their first tiny leaves and shoots. Later flowers appear that will form fruit after pollination. Veraison begins in late summer as the bunches of green grapes change to a ripe color — purple or gold, depending on the variety.”

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Rogue Grapevine

Rogue Grapevine: How a fox’s tail became a goat’s beard

MJ Daspit: “Caprettone got my attention because I’d never heard of it before. A light, dry Italian, it was refreshing and delicious. … ‘Caprettone is a white Italian wine grape variety that is grown in the Campania region of southern Italy … Caprettone is also grown in the Rogue River Valley of southern Oregon.’ Wait — what? We’re it outside Campania? How did that happen?”

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Rogue Grapevine: A world-class wine list

According to Wine Spectator magazine, the restaurant associated with the Ashland Springs Hotel, Larks Home Kitchen Cuisine, offers exactly that: a world-class wine list. Larks is among the restaurants in some 70 countries worldwide to receive a Wine Spectator Restaurant Award for 2022 as announced on June 27.

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Rogue Grapevine: Now, where was I …

MJ Daspit: “The last time my wine column appeared was in April 2020 in the Mail Tribune. Let’s just call it two years ago, give or take. Amid the recent viral contagion, my husband and I decided the better part of valor was to self-quarantine at home and we did — to the point that when I decided to take up writing about our local wines again it was with the sense that I had no idea where to begin. I decided to start by taking a walk.”

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Obituary: David Brian Shaw

Obituary: David Shaw, 78, former executive director of the Peter Britt Festivals in Jacksonville, founder of Artbeat Inc., and facilitator of nonprofit Mt. Ashland Ski Area founding, died Feb. 1, 2025.

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Stiff winds likely followed by rain showers over coming days

Ashland’s hiatus of dry days ends with five straight days with rain showers in the forecast, according to a National Weather Service forecast as of Wednesday evening. Showers are expected during the day Thursday and Friday, in the evening Saturday, night and day Sunday and during Monday’s Presidents Day holiday day.

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Are you gun and gun law savvy? Find out March 4

“Be Gun Smart… Whether or Not You Own a Firearm” is a free public program set for 4 to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 4, in the Gresham Room at the Ashland Public Library, 410 Siskiyou Blvd. The speakers will be Ashland Police Chief Tighe O’Meara and Jackson County Sheriff Nate Sickler. 

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