Southern Oregon University

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Level Up: Conversations across communities to make change

How to collectively think about big problems and discuss them across lines of difference — a lot to learn in 50 minutes, but that’s what students, faculty, and staff at Southern Oregon University, along with Ashland community members, did Wednesday afternoon. 

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Set for action: Short film shooting in Ashland

If you happened to stroll through Lithia Park or the Southern Oregon University campus this weekend, you might have caught a glimpse of a short film production in progress in Ashland. Filming continues this weekend on Sunday, Nov. 10, at various locations, and at Calle Guanajuato on Monday, Nov. 11, depending on weather.

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Indigenous Peoples Day celebrated at SOU

Indigenous Peoples Day was honored and celebrated at Southern Oregon University over the weekend. Native tribes from across the Western states gathered to share past experiences and hopes for the future through cultural longevity and articulation of self. The theme of this year’s celebration was “Honor the past, empower the present, inspire the future.”

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SOU Raider Stadium hosted National Guard mobilization ceremony on Sunday

Family, friends and supporters of more than 200 citizen soldiers preparing to deploy to Egypt for a peace-keeping mission by the Oregon Army National Guard’s 1-186th Infantry gathered at Southern Oregon University’s Raider Stadium on Sunday morning for a mobilization ceremony, hosting some of Oregon Army National Guard’s top brass.

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Ashland branch of AAUW hosts ‘Celebration of Scholars’ at SOU

Five Southern Oregon-based women were honored as scholarship recipients of American Association of University Women (AAUW) on Wednesday at Southern Oregon University, during the branch’s annual “Celebration of Scholars,” which included three students from SOU and two from Rogue Community College.

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SOU Native Nations Liaison: ‘We have been educators since time immemorial’

Kenwanicahee (Kenwani) Kravitz became the new Native Nations Liaison at Southern Oregon University in February 2024. As an enrolled tribal member of the Madesi Band of the Pit River Nation and a descendant of the Northern Wintu people and a strong scholarly background, Kravitz brings a deep knowledge and a gentle but determined voice to this exciting new role.

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City Government

Level Up: Airing differences, bridging gaps

Ashland councilors Gina DuQuenne and Dylan Bloom on Wednesday gave Southern Oregon University students a lesson in how to express mutual admiration even while disagreeing. The councilors met with 15 students at Britt Hall to discuss voting, Ashland-centered topics and how to bridge the communication gap between the SOU campus and Ashland.

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SOU to host first Red Cross blood drive on campus in nearly two decades

After a 17-year hiatus and amid a strain on the nation’s blood supply, the Red Cross is returning to the Southern Oregon University campus in Ashland this week for a two-day blood drive. The Red Cross will host its first blood drive since 2007 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday in the first floor Associated Students of Southern Oregon University (ASSOU) Lounge inside Stevenson Union.

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Klamath Bird Observatory Experience the wonders of Souteast Brazil Ashland Oregon
Conscious Design Build Ashland Oregon
Pronto Printing Ashland Medford Southern Oregon

Latest posts

Obituary: David Brian Shaw

Obituary: David Shaw, 78, former executive director of the Peter Britt Festivals in Jacksonville, founder of Artbeat Inc., and facilitator of nonprofit Mt. Ashland Ski Area founding, died Feb. 1, 2025.

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Stiff winds likely followed by rain showers over coming days

Ashland’s hiatus of dry days ends with five straight days with rain showers in the forecast, according to a National Weather Service forecast as of Wednesday evening. Showers are expected during the day Thursday and Friday, in the evening Saturday, night and day Sunday and during Monday’s Presidents Day holiday day.

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Are you gun and gun law savvy? Find out March 4

“Be Gun Smart… Whether or Not You Own a Firearm” is a free public program set for 4 to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 4, in the Gresham Room at the Ashland Public Library, 410 Siskiyou Blvd. The speakers will be Ashland Police Chief Tighe O’Meara and Jackson County Sheriff Nate Sickler. 

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