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A Deeper Expoloration Into a New Earth by Mark Gibson

Are you ready to expand into your next level of consciousness?

In his book “A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose” world acclaimed spiritualist Eckhart Tolle takes us beyond our physical forms to show that we can create a new, more loving world. This involves a radical inner leap of consciousness, from identification with ego to a new way of transformative thinking that few of us have achieved. Mark will present many unique and important Tolle passages from the book, as well as statements that invite deeper interpretation. The ultimate goal of his talk is to inspire participants —spiritual pioneers like you — to more fully embrace their Higher Consciousness.

Mark E. Gibson is a certified life coach who specializes in nurturing Truth, unconditional Love, and fearless living. He earned a master’s degree in science from San Francisco State University. Two spiritual awakenings had a profound effect on his commitment to being of service to humanity. He teaches courses on consciousness and spirituality at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Southern Oregon University, and he co-hosted the Personal Growth and Empowerment group on Meetup. His two published books include “How to Find Love through Online Dating” and “Living Unconditional Love.” Mark lives with his beloved wife, Francesca, in Southern Oregon, and is blessed that he is living his spiritual calling.

Presenter’s Website: https://YourTruthAndFreedom.com

FREE ADMISSION – 1757 Ashland St., Ashland, OR. One mile west of I-5 Exit 14

Date & Time:

December 19, 2023 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm



Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library

1757 Ashland St.

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