The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality will host a meeting to discuss an Ashland Railyard cleanup at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 27, at the Ashland Library’s Gresham Room, 410 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland.
The railyard, owned by Union Pacific, “has contracted with DEQ to strategize cleanup for the 20-acre parcel,” according to a news release.
The cleanup plan includes a proposal to “excavate and encapsulate contaminated soil to ensure the safety and viability of the land for subsequent development according to urban residential standards,” the release said.
Under the plan, about 2,800 cubic yards of contaminated soil would be excavated from a western 9-acre portion and moved to an eastern 3-acre site, where it would be covered with a clean soil overlay. The meeting is intended for local residents, stakeholders, and other interested parties to hear the plan details, ask questions, and express concerns.
Public comments will be accepted through 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 29, either at the in-person meeting or by mail sent to:
Margaret Oscilia
Oregon DEQ Project Manager
4026 Fairview Industrial Drive SE
Salem, Ore., 97302
Comments can also be emailed to [email protected].