Join Nando Raynolds for an exploration of how perceiving, supporting, and following the pre-existent natural flows of energy and sensation in the body can power up your experience of being alive!
Apply your mindfulness skills to deepen embodiment. We’ll examine the physiology that underlies these three rhythms and then move into the more experiential portion of the evening. We’ll also explore the rich spectrum from control to surrender and how your position in this spectrum impacts the contents of your awareness.
If there is a more powerful flow happening through you, something that is more fundamental than your own egoic effort to control and stay safe, how might that manifest? If it were possible to support, follow and surrender to that flow, how would one go about it? If the Tao exists, how can one perceive and follow the Way?
My suggestion is that you look no further than your persistent organic rhythms. Might not your breath be the first and most obvious pathway? By building your understanding of what is already happening all the time in your body, you will more easily perceive it. Then, you can support and surrender to it. Doing so makes rapid and delightful changes in your subjective experience of the present moment.
Nando is a skillful and entertaining presenter, well-known in the community for his years of dedication to supporting residents in their pursuit of well-being.
Nando Raynolds is a psychotherapist with a somatic mindfulness focus. He is also a long-time T’ai Chi and Qigong instructor and holds a 5th-degree blackbelt in Kenpo Karate. He’s been helping people live mindfully in their bodies for 40 years.
His focus in counseling is helping people manage their thinking, feeling, and behavior with skill and compassion to achieve their goals. Through explorations of breath, posture, movement, and sound, his students and clients learn to embody their positive changes with joy and surrender. Presenter’s Website:
FREE ADMISSION – 1757 Ashland St., Ashland, OR. One mile west of I-5 Exit 14