Join us for this extraordinary final family-friendly bird banding outing of the year!
This fundraiser for our renowned banding program includes an opportunity to meet and chat with Klamath Bird Observatory’s new Banding Program Manager, Lucinda Zawadski, PhD., MartÃn López Aguilar from Mexico, and the KBO interns. You will learn about the importance and unique contribution of bird banding to science and see some of Oregon’s birds up close. You will also get to experience one of our field stations on beautiful Upper Klamath Lake and observe science in action, including mist netting and data collection, AND interact with the biologists.
After the field station visit, we have a unique opportunity to bird from the deck of Rocky Point Resort with Lucinda and MartÃn, with light refreshments provided by Rocky Point.
This is a great introduction to science in the field for kids and young adults (as well as for non-birders, almost birders, and fully-fledged birders). Come have fun in the field with us before the birds fly south!
WHEN: Thursday, September 28th, 6:30 a.m. to approximately 1 p.m. (inclusive of drive time to and from Ashland).
WHERE: Upper Klamath Lake
TRIP LEADER: Lisa Michelbrink, KBO Board Member
COST: The cost is $75 per person to help support our banding program. Space is limited to 4 cars of 4 people each. Carpooling is essential. We will meet at Rite Aide or Rocky Point Resort, depending on your location.
Please bring a water bottle and any snacks you may need. There will be a short amount of walking on uneven ground. Sturdy shoes/boots are recommended. Dress for the weather in layers, as the morning will be cool. No birding experience is necessary. Please bring binoculars if you have them.