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Brazilian Spiritual Healing and Mediumship by Helene Vala

What if we are all natural mediums and it is the degree of sensitivity and development that determines how mediumship unfolds in one’s life? We will discuss what mediumship is and show how effective Brazilian spiritual healing practices are and how they can produce miraculous results.

Brazilians use and benefit from their spiritual practices on an everyday basis – from African Orixas to Spiritist seances and spirit Doctors doing psychic surgeries, they rely on mediumship to receive what they need.

Helene first went to Brazil at her guide’s request and discovered various ways mediumship works and the type of miracles it can produce. Curious as to how these miracles came about, she embarked on a journey to discover the basis for the phenomena and spent 11 years living in Brazil learning and training alongside the Brazilian mediums. Helene has been a shamanic trauma clearing medium for over two decades with a private practice in Ashland, OR.

FREE ADMISSION – 1757 Ashland St., Ashland, OR. One mile west of I-5 Exit 14

Date & Time:

July 30, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm



Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library

1757 Ashland St.

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Klamath Bird Observatory Experience the wonders of Souteast Brazil Ashland Oregon
Pronto Printing Ashland Medford Southern Oregon

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