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CERT fall basic training

Are you and your loved ones ready for the next natural disaster? Get prepared with a free training opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills that have been proven effective in all kinds of disasters. Sign up for CERT Basic Training this October and join Ashland’s Community Emergency Response Team.

CERT Basic Training is taught by Ashland Fire & Rescue firefighters. It covers disaster preparedness and skills necessary during and after a disaster when emergency services may be overwhelmed. With training and teamwork, you will be empowered to do the greatest good for the greatest number of people following a disaster.

CERT volunteers give back to the community by assisting with weather shelters, educating neighbors on disaster preparedness, and supporting Ashland’s emergency response personnel.

Training will take place over two Friday evenings and two Saturdays in October at SOU’s Lithia Motors Pavilion, 1465 Webster St., Ashland

Register for Basic Training online at members.ashlandcert.org/basic or in person at Ashland Fire Station No. 1, 455 Siskiyou Blvd.

Contact Ashland CERT: 541-552-2226 or [email protected]

Date & Time:

October 14, 2023 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm



SOU Lithia Motors Pavilion

1465 Webster St.

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