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Comedy show at The Black Sheep

Share some laughs and enjoy the Rogue Valley’s British Public House fare at The Black Sheep.

Featuring comedians from Portland and Ashland areas, our aim is to create a welcoming experience for everyone. The comedy is free of toxic masculinity and hate speech. Todd Basil is hosting the event and will be performing as headliner. David Kildal and local acts will be performing as well.

Todd Basil is a standup comedian and college calculus instructor. He can make math funny but won’t make you do any math. He has performed at clubs, festivals, wineries, breweries, and corporate events along the West Coast and beyond. He was also hired to speak at the Toastmasters Leadership Institute in Los Angeles, California. This last year, he headlined at the New South Comedy Festival in South Carolina and performed at the Treefort Music Festival in Boise, Idaho. Check out his manic one-minute podcast on Apple Podcasts called “I. Drank. Too. Much. Coffee!”.

Doors: 8:30 p.m. Show: 9 p.m.

Ticket Link: www.eventbrite.com/e/comedy-show-the-black-sheep-tickets-674505864197

Date & Time:

August 5, 2023 @ 8:30 pm - 10:30 pm


$15 – $20

The Black Sheep Pub and Restaurant

51 North Main Street
Ashland, 97520

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