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Debunking the Mythology of God and Sex by Rev. Stephanie Clarke

By exposing the religious mythology and cultural programming around sexuality, Rev. Steph will laying bare the naked truth about God, sex, sin, and shame. In her humorous, light-hearted style, she will be answering questions such as:

-Were Adam and Eve the perpetrators of Original Sin?
-Was Mary, mother of Jesus, really a virgin?
-Was Mary Magdalene really a hooker?

Rev. Steph’s intention is to get you out of bondage to your old beliefs about sex and set you free to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh without fear of guilt or punishment! Attend at your own risk….

Rev. Stephanie Clarke is known as The Irreverent Reverend because she loves to expose the religious and cultural taboos around sexuality.

“God & Sex” was the provocative title of Rev. Steph’s talk at the New Thought conference in Johannesburg in August 2017 – “Birthing the Divine Feminine – from History to HerStory” with keynote speakers Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith, and Lisa Nichols – of “The Secret” fame.

In 2000, Rev. Steph founded “Soul Home” in Johannesburg, the first New Thought multi-racial ministry in South Africa, consciously dedicated to healing the wounds of Apartheid. Since January 2023, she has been serving as a Staff Minister at CSL (Center for Spiritual Living) in the Rogue Valley, Oregon, USA.

Rev. Steph is the author of 3 books: “Down Dirty and Divine: A Spiritual Ride Through London’s Underground” (2012), “The Miss-Adventures of an Irreverent Reverend: A Spirit-ed Guide for Rebels and Renegades” (2016) – her autobiography, and “The Sex Goddess: De-bunking the Mythology of God &; Sex.” (2018) – her latest, most controversial work and intimate sharing of her personal experience.

As well as being a speaker and an author, Rev. Steph is also a sacred ceremony facilitator and a Law of Attraction life-coach. In March 2020, Rev. Steph moved to the USA from South Africa to live in sin with her American fiancé but made an honest man of him via their legal marriage in April 2021.

Presenter’s Website: https://RevStephanieClarke.com

FREE ADMISSION – 1757 Ashland St., Ashland, OR. One mile west of I-5 Exit 14

Date & Time:

April 23, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm



Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library

1757 Ashland St.

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