The April SOCAN General meeting – our first in-person meeting since the COVID crisis – will feature members of the SOCAN Federal and State project team reporting on which legislative proposals are alive, which are not, and what climate-conscious Oregonians can do to help those proposals that deserve our support.
After a hard-fought race for Governor in 2022, a campaign in which she highlighted support for climate action, Tina Kotek was triumphant against two candidates who both campaigned against climate action. Although the climate crisis is non-partisan, the Democratic Party as a whole embraced climate action while the opposition campaigned against it. The 2023 Legislative session in Salem reflects this dichotomy. By late April, we’ll know which proposals have a chance for passage, and which have none; we will know which proposals are moving and could use rural Oregonian help, and which are not.
The program will be held 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 25, at the Medford library, 205 S. Central Ave., Medford. There is no charge for attending.