Please join us as speaker Irv Lubliner shares his mother’s story from Holocaust to hope. While few of us have ever endured this kind of suffering, all of us have experiences and relationships that cause pain, fear, anger, resentment, and even hatred. How do we reach out with compassion and move on into a life of forgiveness and hope?
Before she died in 1974, Felicia Bornstein Lubliner wrote about her internment in ghettos and concentration camps in Nazi-occupied Poland, powerful stories published by her son, Irv Lubliner. He will share excerpts from “Only Hope: A Survivor’s Stories of the Holocaust,” shedding light on her experiences and indomitable spirit. Participants will learn about the Holocaust through the eyes of a survivor, as well as how the instructor – the child of two survivors – was impacted by his parents’ experiences.
Irv Lubliner teaches math, music, and literature classes for the Osher Lifelong Learning institute (OLLI) at Southern Oregon University (SOU). An emeritus SOU professor specializing in mathematics education, he taught for 40 years (all levels, kindergarten through graduate school), led seminars for teachers in 39 states, and gave over 350 conference presentations, including several keynote addresses. He has spoken about his mother’s experiences during the Holocaust for numerous schools, libraries, civic organizations, book clubs, and 83 other OLLI campuses nationwide.
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