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Sunday Worship: Contemplating Christmas

This will be a short, quiet contemplative service for those who need a little stillness amid the holiday rush of activity. We will make space for both the celebration and the pain that may come with the season. (There will be a longer, more traditional Christmas Eve service at 4 p.m.)

A Holiday Prayer: “May all my family members and friends who need miracles be blessed. May whoever is feeling unwell and weak be given strength. May all of those who have heavy burdens have their load lightened.”

Attend in person or watch live or recorded on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@roguevalleyunitarianuniver8871

Date & Time:

December 24, 2023 @ 10:30 am - 11:15 am



Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 87 4th Street, Ashland

87 4th Street
Ashland, OR, 97520

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