As part of the Oregon Fringe Festival, director Ilima Considine will be presenting her feature film musical, Waiting for the Kick.
Oscar Wilde’s Salome is remade into a darkly comedic fever dream of a rock opera written and composed by the Ilima Considine of The Sexbots, reset in an after hours club full of off-duty strippers, bartenders, and mountains of cocaine and John the Baptist is an autistic drug dealer.
This is a gay, feminist retelling of Salome- retold not as a story of a man in power led astray by a teenage temptress, but of a young girl caught in an impossible situation in a world where patriarchy forces women to objectify both themselves and others in order to survive. And yet, in spite of everything, young queer folk discover themselves and each other — irrepressible as dandelions growing out of a sidewalk. The 85-minute film will immediately be followed by a director Q&A.