DNA matches can be a powerful tool in genealogy research, especially when traditional paper trails hit dead ends. Researchers can often break through longstanding brick walls and uncover previously unknown connections by combining genetic evidence with traditional genealogical methods.
Organizing DNA matches effectively is crucial, as it can help prioritize potential leads. Ancestry’s proprietary tools and third-party resources can provide additional insights to help you find your ancestors. This class will review basic genetic genealogy, how to organize matches, and use available tools and resources to make sense of it all.
For over three decades, Muriel has been passionately immersed in genealogical exploration, delving into the intricacies of genetic ancestry for the past decade. During this time, she’s successfully dismantled three of her own stubborn brick walls and has actively assisted individuals in uncovering their biological roots through DNA analysis. She is the Lincoln County Genealogical Society president and has been a member of the society for ten years. She lives in Yachats, Oregon, with her husband, Bob, and dog, Curly. Beyond her passion for genealogy and spending time with family, she finds joy in classic films, historical fiction, gardening, and writing. Muriel holds a Social and Behavioral Science degree from George Fox University and has retired from her rewarding career in special education and working with troubled youth.