Wills and probate records can be genealogical goldmines. We start with an overview of these records, the probate process, and tips for finding and using these records. This interactive class will show ways to turn a will into a starter family tree.
Presenter Sara Cochran has been researching her family tree for over 25 years. The journey has taken her into nearly every State in the USA and several countries worldwide, including Ireland, Britain, and Italy. She says her passion is telling the stories of the people in the family tree; genealogists do this best by recording the stories of their elders, locating and preserving the photos and stories our ancestors left behind, as well as records created by the government and religious sources and in the newspapers.
Cost: $10 for RVGS Members, $20 for Non-Members
Registration closes at noon Wednesday, Jan. 31.
This class will be recorded and available to view for 30 days for those who have registered.
Class will be at the RVGS Library and via Zoom.