Youth Symphony of Southern Oregon (YSSO) ensembles will play chamber music at 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 9 and at 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 10.
Both performances will be presented at the First United Methodist Church of Ashland, 175 N. Main Street. YSSO Chamber Music Series performances are free and open to the public.
Musicians from the Youth Symphony, the YSSO’s advanced-level symphony orchestra, were selected to form duos, trios, quartets, and small ensembles. The concerts will feature music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Joseph Haydn, Franz Schubert, and others. Accomplished young musicians from throughout the Rogue Valley will participate in the performances.
The Youth Symphony of Southern Oregon, a nonprofit 501(3)(3) organization founded in 1988, provides instrumental musicians with opportunities to expand their knowledge of music by learning and performing challenging and diverse repertoire. The YSSO organization offers performance opportunities and training under the leadership of a professional conductor and professional musicians, and fosters lifelong appreciation of music. The concerts connect young people, families, and communities through music, and engage hearts, hands, and minds. Participation in a music ensemble teaches people to listen, develops discipline and empathy, hones analytical skills, and builds positive relationships. Young people involved in school music programs and the YSSO demonstrate the instrumental value of music in learning and achievement and the power of the arts in transforming lives and communities.
For more information about the Youth Symphony of Southern Oregon and its programs: [email protected] or