‘All is vibration, including physical matter and live conscious beings. . . . Another word for this vibration is “consciousness”’
By Jim Hatton
Ultimately, there is no path to the Divine, for God is within us, and we in God, without separation, always.
— Meister Eckhart
I was asked the other day, “What is ‘spiritual maturity?’” Such a good question. I had to meditate on this one for a while.
Spiritual maturity is the knowingness, or embodiment, of the realization that we humans, indeed all of life, are emanations of Source, expressing Itself though Its own creation in order to know Itself more fully.
The daily practice of spiritual maturity is the work of a spiritual master. It means consistently acting, thinking and expressing in harmony with, and as, our greater nonphysical self, according to how that greater self sees us and our world. Let me explain.
The universe, both physical and nonphysical, is a vibratory universe. That is, all is vibration, including physical matter and live conscious beings. Another word for this vibration is “consciousness.” All is consciousness or thought energy in motion.
When we decided to step into this physical world, the greater aspect of our Self stayed in the nonphysical and a smaller part of our Self, consciously projected itself into the physical realm, and then we animated our “space suit,” our human body, giving life to this wonderful living organism we call our human self. Note: self is spelled with a small “s” when it refers to our human identity.
As in the nonphysical, indeed just like Source Itself, from which we emanate, we are creative in our nature. That is, what we think about, we experience. The Law of Attraction works in such a way that whatever we put our attention upon is manifested via our consciousness and we then experience it in our lives. This experience can be created with full awareness (consciously), or by default (unconsciously). The more we think about things, the more we become them through our vibration. Our experience is then a match, vibrationally, to what we have been thinking about in consciousness. We experience outwardly what we have become or resonated with internally in consciousness.
Going back to that larger part of ourselves that remains in the nonphysical.… Some call this our inner Self or spiritual Self or greater Self. This Self has a definite purpose. It only sees and knows the truth about us. It knows only that we are divine emanations of Source, one with Source, and that Source is within. Always. It does not see or recognize our mistakes, misdeeds, harmful emotions, judgments, violence or even religion. It does not judge us or punish us for our so called “sins.”
When we think and act in the same way that our greater Self does, that is — loving, compassionate, generous, honest, wise, creative, patient, detached and so forth — we feel good. When we think or act differently or out of alignment with our greater Self — that is, hateful, resentful, cruel, mean, dishonest, aggressive and so on — it does not feel good. We feel separate from Source, and that is not a pleasant experience. It can even feel “hellish.”
A spiritually mature person, a Spiritual Master, is aware and remembers this capacity to choose and is able to monitor their thoughts, words and actions according to the vibrational frequency or feeling in their body — at least most of the time! The Spiritual Master will regularly ask their Inner Self: Is what I am thinking, saying and doing, and how I am living, is it in harmony with my greater Self? Does this choice or thought or course of action feel good, or does it not feel good? Do I feel in alignment with Source?
As you and I grow into greater spiritual maturity, it is incumbent upon us to be mindful of our thoughts, words and deeds. The more we can quicken our vibratory frequency by making choices that are in alignment with our own true Self, the faster we will all rise up into the true remembering of our original identity as gods expressing.
Namaste! The Divine in me recognizes and honors the Divine in you.
The World is not broken, Be in Peace …
Jim Hatton is an author, spiritual teacher and speaker. He makes his home in the Rogue Valley, Southern Oregon. Contact him at jim@jimhatton.com.
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