She suffered a potentially devastating injury, envisioned a complete recovery and surprised her physician
By Janai “Grandma Boom” Mestrovich
I was unconscious, lying on the ground, with several spiral breaks in my left leg. My heel was smashed. Nothing existed but a timeless void of white light. Two dots appeared in the white light. An invisible voice told me to choose the right dot and go through it. Following instructions brought me to waking consciousness. The dot on the left would not have awakened me back into this reality.

Once I was conscious, sharp torpedoes of pain shot through me. My left foot, although still attached to my ankle and leg, did not cooperate with my leg. It was necessary for me to hold my foot and leg together to keep them attached at the bone level.
What had happened? A pine needle basket was perched on my left arm with a sharp knife held in my right hand to harvest vegetables. As I left the garden, an irrigation pipe claimed my foot in an unrelenting grasp as my turning, twisting body toppled over. SNAP! CRASH! Out like a light!
Once I was awake, holding my dangling foot so that it could be somewhat connected to my ankle and leg, I screamed for help. Our dog, Akita, stayed right by me. She knew.
Many screams for help later, my ex heard me through closed windows and doors, and came to the rescue.
En route to the doctor, I lay in the back seat holding my foot and leg together and focusing only on gratitude. I knew a calm frame of reference would start the healing process at the cellular level. I thought of everything I was grateful for: children, home, insights, skills, garden, sense of humor and more.
Waiting for X-ray results, the nurse forgot to close the door. I heard gasps that strummed up fear like lightning striking land. In the next breath, I transmuted fear to courage, knowing that fear blocks healing. The doctor said I had several spiral breaks and a smashed heel. They made a temporary cardboard splint to keep my leg and foot stable, then sent me home for the night.
The next morning, I lay on the operating table when the surgeon arrived. I set the tone, looking him in the eyes, sharing how important this surgery was for me because I had to dance through life. Calmly, I concluded, “I trust you. Thank you. I know you will do a great job.” His eyes widened, he smiled and he said, “You’re welcome. Let’s head to surgery.” I felt success in the making.
The surgeon released me two months early. He checked my progress frequently with X-rays, observing quicker-than-normal recovery. He said if he were writing a book I would be on the cover. And he inquired how I healed so quickly.
Here are some self-help techniques I used:
- Prior to surgery, I happily visualized Cellular Tea Parties with Celebration signs, music, cake, and balloons inside me welcoming our new family member: a titanium rod with screws from left knee to ankle.
- Cat-purring frequency can heal bones. Several times daily I meditated visualizing millions of cats purring on a football field while I floated in a golden box over them, feeling their purring being absorbed into my leg.
- An internet workshop with Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha taught me to do One Hand Near/One Hand Far energy circuit healing, which brought warm tingling inside my leg, accelerating healing.
- Being told my left leg would not equal actions with the right leg, I began telling right and left legs they were twins and that the left leg needed to remember how to be like the right one. It required tremendous patience, practicing tiny movements to create equality.
- I laughed watching funny movies.
- Every day I envisioned myself dancing wildly and happily, feeling it because I had always lived it. The cells just needed to remember.
- I kept myself in line with positive thoughts, visions, and gratitude. Inner guidance insisted that not one thought of worry, fear, anxiety, doubt or anger could enter this healing process. And it didn’t. Too much was at stake.
My foundation for self-healing was inner peace.
Janai “Grandma Boom” Mestrovich is executive director of Superkid Power Inc. and author, speaker/trainer, pioneer. She teaches human potential skills beginning at age 3 with creative experiences. or [email protected].
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