Work starts Monday on Siskiyou Boulevard south of SOU
By Bert Etling,
Work on modifying curb ramps at Ashland intersections to bring them into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act is set to begin Monday, March 21, starting on Siskiyou Boulevard south of Southern Oregon University, a Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) spokesman said Thursday.
Putting in curb ramps will improve safety as well as access, according to ODOT’s announcement. An ODOT listing of curb-cut locations shows 29 Ashland intersections will be modified. All the locations are mapped out in an ODOT PowerPoint slide deck.
Granite Construction has the $4.8 million contract to do the work in Talent, Phoenix and south Medford, as well as in Ashland.
Granite will begin sawcutting sidewalks in Ashland on Siskiyou Boulevard between Hillview Drive and Tolman Creek Road the week of March 21. Demolition, forming and pouring concrete are scheduled the week of March 28.
Work will continue to several downtown locations and North Main Street.
Crews will begin working days but are planning some night work in areas downtown to avoid affecting traffic. For those corners under construction, temporary pedestrian access routes will be constructed to help people stay connected.
Since 2017, ODOT has rolled out various curb ramp projects in the Rogue Valley and statewide to improve access and meet a legal settlement with the Association of Oregon Centers for Independent Living.
Email Executive Editor Bert Etling at [email protected] or call or text him at 541-631-1313.