The Sandy Hook mass shooting occurred over 10 years ago. This tragedy, where 20 innocent children, the school principal and psychologist and four teachers were slaughtered, is horrifying enough. That so little has been done in the way of meaningful gun safety legislation since the massacre occurred is an unforgivable burden that we all bear. As the lead crime scene investigator at Sandy Hook says, “We’re pretending things aren’t the way they are.”
We are obligated to protect our children from the devastating effects of lethal automatic weapons with everything in our power to make gun safety a reality in our state and country. Since the Sandy Hook massacre in 2012, there have been over 50 school shootings involving “active shooters,” killing over 100 students and staff, injuring over 150, profoundly impacting families and loved ones.
After more than 130 mass shootings already this year, I ask Rep. Cliff Bentz to co-sponsor and support HR 625, HR 698, HR 1478 and HR 660. These common-sense measures will keep guns from falling into the wrong hands and ban assault weapons and large ammunition magazines. This has never been a question of Second Amendment “rights,” but about saving the lives of our children, our very future.
Stephen Thiroux