Letter: ‘Denise Krause will help Jackson County make real progress’

September 25, 2022

I am writing to urge voters to support Denise Krause for Jackson County Commissioner. Denise is an outstanding, well-prepared candidate who is running specificallyĀ get things done at the local level. Like Denise, I have been frustrated by the poor handling of critical local issues by our current three-member board.

Weā€™ve all lived through devastating fires, COVID-19, twin homelessness/mental health crises, the cannabis mess, and now, serious drought. Too often, Iā€™ve watched as our local mayors, state and federal legislators, and volunteer leaders ā€” not our CountyĀ Commissioners ā€” quickly stepped up to forge workable and creative solutions. It doesnā€™t have to be this way!

Denise understands that county policymakers canā€™t just sit back and let the managerial bureaucrats tell them what to do. Commissioners set policy and need to ask hard questions. They need to plan for prevention as well as cope with emergencies. To be successful, they should cooperate, not squabble, with other governmental agencies, and listen toĀ allĀ their constituents. Denise has got the guts to stand up to special interests and push county departments to take creative, collaborative action instead of defending the status quo. Most important, Jackson County needs leaders who base their decisions on real facts, not partisanĀ politics.Ā 

Denise Krause will help Jackson County make real progress as we face a dynamic future. Please join me in voting for her on Nov. 8.Ā 

Laurie True


Picture of Bert Etling

Bert Etling

Bert Etling is the executive editor of Ashland.news. Email him at [email protected].

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