Tomorrow, Aug. 3, I will withdraw from seeking a position on the Ashland City Council in the 2022 General Election. I am suspending my campaign during this election season to serve Ashland and the greater community for what I feel is the best use of my skills and abilities at this time.
My reasons are two-fold: First, as field coordinator for the Golden for Senate Campaign, my work has become all encompassing. Jeff Golden’s senate seat is currently being targeted by big, out-of-state GOP money. I believe holding his seat must be a top priority for pro-choice and climate action advocates, like myself.
Second, an enormously capable candidate, Eric Hansen, owner and chief executive officer of True South Solar, recently filed for the same seat for which I am running. Having a candidate with Eric’s credentials and commitment to our town gives me assurance that we will have a hardworking councilor to fill the council seat I am seeking. In the end, it must be about good governance and I am confident that Eric can provide that as well as I.
I want to thank all of the people who have encouraged me to run, supported my campaign with their time and money and endorsed my commitment to serving our community. That commitment will carry forward and has become stronger because of their help.
Linda Peterson Adams