I was glad to be alerted by phone when the cougar was nearby. I brought my visiting neighbor’s cat indoors, until I heard that the danger was past. From your online article, I read that this is the “third cougar to be shot at during O’Meara’s time as chief.”
Is there a discussion about capturing cougars and keeping them in a small Lithia Park Zoo facility? Or, supplying them to zoos elsewhere?
I loved watching the cougars in the Los Angeles Zoo. It seems so cruel and wasteful to always kill the cougars here. Is there a public discussion of conservation options? Will you start the discussion?
Ashland lost her lovely Lithia Park swans — after the female was hurt by a dog and the male was sequestered in a fenced pond offsite.
It is lovely how Ashland deer visit residential areas and teach their babies how to cross our streets. Also we are fortunate to have non-violent bear visits.
I desire Ashland to consider providing compassionate conservation responses to her cougars.
I would appreciate hearing your ideas, and your soundings of our community’s consciousness — about our options to respect and foster peaceful stewarding of all our beautiful wildlife — including the magnificent carnivorous cougars.
Maxine Hamilton