If you care about the Rogue Valley, please write the Biden administration by Dec. 23 to say “no” to a Coquille Indian Tribe Casino in Medford.
Comments may be submitted by email to Tobiah Mogavero, NEPA Coordinator, Bureau of Indian Affairs, at [email protected], using “FEIS Comments, Coquille Indian Tribe Fee-to-Trust and Casino Project,” in the subject line.
They may be mailed or hand-delivered to Rudy Peone, Acting Northwest Regional Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Northwest Region, 911 N.E. 11th Ave. Portland, OR 97232. Comments should include the commenter’s name, return address, and “FEIS Comments, Coquille Indian Tribe Fee-to-Trust and Casino Project,” on the first page of the comments.
Gamblers have plenty of options for casinos within driving distance of Medford, casinos that are spread out to share the wealth among multiple tribes. That is not good enough for one of the tribes.
Gambling was restricted by past generations because it harms lives. But baby boomers don’t like rules, so now gambling is everywhere. Add a casino and people who can’t afford to lose will lose. Think a casino in Medford would be a good thing? If so, you must want more pawn shops, illegal camping on the greenway, drug use and crime.
If this goes through, welcome to Pottersville. We have enough challenges in this community already. Fight the casino.
Dan Van Dyke