Jeff Golden brought a boatload of common sense and an uncommon streak of independence to the Oregon Legislature when he was elected to the state Senate in 2018. In that race, Jeff refused to take campaign contributions from lobbyists, PACs or corporations. He’s doing that again in his campaign for re-election, but with a slight twist. Instead, he accepts the money — but then donates it to a local nonprofit to help people in need. Gotta love that!
Jeff is not beholden to special interests, only to the voters who put him in office in the first place. As chair of the Senate Campaign Finance Committee, Jeff led the effort to put Measure 107 on the 2020 ballot. That measure amended the Oregon constitution to allow our state to regulate and limit the influence of money in politics.
Please join me in voting to reelect Jeff Golden to the Oregon Senate.
Mark Huddleston
Eagle Point