I attended a County Commission meeting on March 21 via Zoom. A report from one of the commissioners spoke to an issue of a “No Dogs” sign at Immigrant Lake, which led to talk of “No Dogs” signage in Lithia Park.
Another commissioner mentioned the many animal lovers in Ashland, and then the county administrator joined the conversation by saying, “There’s a lot of people sleeping there.” I hear laughter. The same commissioner says, “The dogs will wake them up.” More laughter. The same commissioner says, “They’re not so much there, Danny, they’re sleeping next to City Hall.” More laughter. The original commissioner brings the conversation back to the appropriate agenda item.
The word “homeless” was not mentioned, but one could deduce that was who they were talking about when speaking of “a lot of people sleeping there.”
These are our elected officials. These people run our county and make policy decisions about the people they seemed to enjoy making fun of.
We, the citizens, the taxpayers and the voters of Jackson County deserve better from our county commissioners and their staff.
Regina Ayars