Pam Marsh and Jeff Golden are up for reelection. Please vote for these two hard-working, intelligent and capable representatives. We need to keep them in office!
Char Hersh
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Pam Marsh and Jeff Golden are up for reelection. Please vote for these two hard-working, intelligent and capable representatives. We need to keep them in office!
Char Hersh
Wendy Eppinger: Where are the folks that use the night camping site behind the police station? They were advised to move…. But have they disappeared from our town?
Sandra Scase: The idea of sanctioning cycling in Lithia Park should therefore be a non-starter for the following reason alone: Bikes drive hikers off trails.
Steven Essig: Sixty-five percent of our classified school employees are eligible for food stamps as individuals, and a staggering 93% are eligible as a family of three.
John Marciano: Violence at home and abroad is not antithetical to America, it has been its very nature since the founding.
A third-party investigation into former Jackson County Fire District 5 Chief Charles Hanley revealed a culture of alleged sexual harassment and misconduct that includes lewd behavior from district brass, Hanley screaming at an employee and the chief changing test scores during a promotion process.
City Corner: This summer the city of Ashland received two grants from the Energy Efficiency and Community Block Grant program through the Oregon Department of Energy. These grants will support the launch of a new Home Energy Score initiative and the continuation of the city’s electric vehicle CarShare program.
Major Ashland nonprofit services provider has transition plan to replace Cass Sinclair, who is moving on to an as-yet-undisclosed job in the region By Morgan Rothborne, Cass Sinclair will
Pacific Power has organized a meeting in Talent to discuss power outages that have plagued the city this summer. The meeting is 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 11, in the Talent library, 101 Home St. It will include an opportunity to hear from Pacific Power President Ryan Flynn, who will discuss the outages and also explain what is being done to improve the power grid system.
Catty Corner: All of us in the Rogue Valley know all too well that we need to be prepared for fire season — and we also need to make sure our pets are packed and ready to go. Here are a few tips for putting together your feline go bag.
Poetry Corner: The Almeda Fire was a community disaster, that brought the community more closely together. Two poets remember it in its anniversary month.
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