Picture This: Ashland? More like Snow City

Ashland post office employees were out working with chains on the back wheels of their vehicles Tuesday. Ashland.news photo by Bob Palermini
February 4, 2025

A couple days of steady snowfall brought power outages, property damage and closed schools, but also made Ashland into a bit of a winter wonderland

Ashland.news photographer Bob Palermini and reporter Morgan Rothborne traversed snow-blanketed downtown Ashland on Tuesday the safest way possible: on foot. To read the news story about the snow storm’s impact, click here. To see the Ashland.news photo journal of what it was like Tuesday, continue scrolling. Have a photo you’d like to share? Email it to [email protected] and put “Reader Photo” in the subject line. Please say where and when the photo was taken, who took it, and who (if anyone) is in it.

Darryl Mallory was one of a few people out shoveling snow Tuesday morning. Some said they were doing it for exercise, and some just wanted to keep ahead of the falling snow.. Ashland.news photo by Bob Palermini
The Ashland Public Library looked pretty with a fresh coating of snow Tuesday morning. Ashland.news photo by Bob Palermini
About one third of downtown businesses were open as the snow continued coming down Tuesday. Ashland.news photo by Bob Palermini
Liquid Lounge was one of the businesses that closed Monday, Feb. 3, but were optimistic that they would reopen on Tuesday. Ashland.news photo by Bob Palermini
Dustin Way, left, and Aimee Cork, owners of Bestow, were taking advantage of the snow day to start setting up the store’s new location on Main Street in downtown Ashland. The new location has triple the footprint of the old store; it will still carry a wide assortment of plants, but Aimee is also expanding into home decor. They are planning for their grand opening on Friday. Ashland.news photo by Bob Palermini
A number of people were out walking dogs as the snow continued to fall on downtown Ashland. Ashland.news photo by Bob Palermini
Tree limbs and whole trees came down as a result of the wet, heavy snow. This tree in the city parking lot at Pioneer Street and Lithia Way came down on a parked car. Ashland.news photo by Bob Palermini
There was lots of parking available on the Ashland Plaza on Tuesday as people stayed home as a result of the multi-day snow storm. Ashland.news photo by Bob Palermini
The picnic tables in front of Mix Bakeshop had about 8 inches of snow on them, but inside it was dry and cozy. Ashland.news photo by Bob Palermini
A Skout employee shovels snow on the Calle Guanajuato Park behind the restaurant. Ashland.news photo by Bob Palermini
A tree was partially down at the East Main Street end of the Chautauqua Ramp which leads up to the OSF campus. Ashland.news photo by Bob Palermini
Jyotir Barbagallo and his 3-year-old twins Huckleberry, left, and Ever Jo were headed to Bugg’s Toys on Pioneer Street. Ashland.news photo by Bob Palermini
A large snowman greets passersby from the front yard of a house on Main Street on Tuesday. Ashland.news photo by Bob Palermini
A city of Ashland snowplow pushes snow off Siskiyou Boulevard on Tuesday. Ashland.news photo by Morgan Rothborne
An out-of-service RVTD bus passes by Pony Espresso on Lithia Way on Tuesday. Ashland.news photo by Morgan Rothborne
A little snow doesn’t dampen the spirit of a parked truck. Ashland.news photo by Morgan Rothborne
Walkers braved the snow and cold along East Main Street on Tuesday afternoon. Ashland.news photo by Morgan Rothborne
Snowy Fifth Street remained passable Tuesday afternoon. Ashland.news photo by Morgan Rothborne
Caution lights lend a bit of warmth to the intersection of Lithia Way and 2nd Street on Tuesday. Ashland.news photo by Morgan Rothborne
Beware of falling trees: A vehicle parked along Siskiyou Boulevard is covered after a falling tree brought down a fence with it. Ashland.news photo by Morgan Rothborne
A city of Ashland snowplow scraps East Main Street as firefighters at Ashland Fire & Rescue Station No. 1 clear their driveway of snow on Tuesday. Ashland.news photo by Morgan Rothborne
The weight of heavy, wet snow brought down many tree limbs and more than a few trees, including some that fell on vehicles parked nearby. Ashland.news photo by Morgan Rothborne
A bike rack outside Skout on Winburn Way became a ski rack on Tuesday. Ashland.news photo by Morgan Rothborne
An accumulation of snow rests its weight on a pair of benches along the sidewalk between City Hall and Lithia Park on Tuesday. Ashland.news photo by Morgan Rothborne
Lithia Park’s Lower Duck Pond was frozen solid Tuesday. Ashland.news photo by Morgan Rothborne
Picture of Bert Etling

Bert Etling

Bert Etling is the executive editor of Ashland.news. Email him at [email protected].

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Reader Photo: Diane Toth took this photo of finches on a line providing a collorful contrast to a gray snowy day while awaiting their turn at a snow-capped bird feeder.
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