Overview will be followed by at least three May meetings of the Citizen’s Budget Committee
Ashland.news staff report
A public forum on the city of Ashland’s proposed budget for July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2025, is set for 6 p.m. Monday, May 1, in the Ashland City Council chamber, 1175 East Main St.
The Ashland Citizens’ Budget Committee will review the budget in depth at three public meetings in May, with a fourth possible if needed.
A copy of the proposed budget may be viewed by clicking here. An overview of the budget process may be viewed by clicking here.
Following meetings are set to run from 3 to 5 p.m. in the council chamber:
- Thursday, May 4: Administration and Finance Fund Overview
- Thursday, May 11: Innovation & Technology and Public Safety Fund Overview
- Thursday, May 18: Parks & Recreation, Community Development and Public Works Fund Overview
- Thursday, May 25: Final Questions/Answers & Deliberations (if needed)
The Citizens’ Budget Committee will make recommendations to City Council in June 2023.
While the public forum is set for 6 p.m., it’s part of a council study session agenda that begins at 5:30 p.m.
That agenda calls for a presentation by Rogue Valley Transportation District (RVTD) for a bus route serving Ashland and connecting to Route 10, which runs from Ashland to Medford with with stops in Talent and Phoenix. The new route would go along Ashland, Clay, East Main, Hersey and Maple streets, among others.
Proceedings are cablecast live on Channel 9 (or 180), streamed online at rvtv.sou.edu (RVTV Prime), and posted online at bit.ly/coavideos the day after the meeting.
Email Ashland.news Executive Editor Bert Etling at [email protected] or call or text him at 541-631-1313.