The City of Ashland is accepting public comments on the 2023 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds.
The City of Ashland is an entitlement city under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) CDBG Program. The City of Ashland receives approximately $175,000 each year from HUD to apply toward housing and community development projects that benefit low- and moderate-income persons in Ashland. The report (CAPER) summarizes the individual project status (physical and financial) of those improvements funded with CDBG funds for the Program year 2023. This report must be completed and submitted to HUD as a part of the requirements the City must meet to receive CDBG funding.
Public comments on city activities and use of CDBG funds are encouraged and may be submitted in writing for up to 15 days after the date of this publication. The Ashland Housing and Human Services Commission will review the CAPER, and receive oral comments, at a public meeting on September 26, 2024, at 4:00 PM in the Siskiyou Room of the Community Development Building located at 51 Winburn way. Written testimony from the public will be accepted via email to [email protected] for both general public forum items and agenda items. Written testimonies submitted by the public by 10:00 a.m. on the Wednesday prior to the meeting will be available to the Housing and Human Services Commission before the meeting and will be included in the meeting minutes. The Draft report is available for review by the public and can be requested at any from the Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist at 541-552-2043 or on the City’s Website.
Forward comments or questions to Linda Reid, Housing Program Specialist, at 552.2043, [email protected] , or by mail to 20 East Main Street, Ashland, OR, 97520.