Deadline extended: DEQ requests comments on recommended revision of remedial action for Ashland Rail Yard site
Comments due: 5 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2023
Project location: 536 A St., Ashland, Jackson County
UPDATE: DEQ extended the public comment deadline by 32 days in response to requests from the public. The new comment deadline is Oct. 31, 2023.
Proposal: The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is proposing a revision of the recommended remedial action for voluntary cleanup of contamination related to rail yard operations on the former Union Pacific Railroad rail yard site located in Ashland. The site covered under this remedial action is a 11.7-acre portion at the center of the original 21-acre property. The Southern Pacific Railroad entered the 21-acre property into the Voluntary Cleanup Program in 1993 for cleanup of contamination related to rail yard operations. Southern Pacific merged with Union Pacific in 1996. DEQ previously issued no further action determinations for approximately 6.4 acres of the property. The eastern 2.85 acres of the property is currently undeveloped and not associated with rail yard-related activities.
Find more information: To view project documents and information on how to comment on this proposed action see the project website at: If you do not have web access, please contact the DEQ project manager at 503-726-6522.
Send comments to Margaret Oscilia, Oregon DEQ Project Manager, 4026 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, Salem, OR 97302 or by email to [email protected].