February 17, 2023

May 16, 2023 Special Election

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a ballot title meeting the requirements of section 1(2)(d), Article IV of the Oregon Constitution (one subject) has been filed with the City Recorder.

The ballot title has been prepared by the City Attorney and is as follows:

CAPTION:     Proposed amendment to Ashland’s Food and Beverage Tax ordinance.

QUESTION: Shall the ordinance be amended to dedicate revenues to city parks, open space, recreation, and senior service purposes?

SUMMARY: A “Yes” vote for this measure authorizes the City of Ashland to use the Food and Beverage Tax for city parks, open spaces, recreation, and senior service purposes as follows, consistent with City policies and practices:  twenty-five percent (25%) for capital expenses including acquisition, planning, development, repair, and rehabilitation; seventy-three percent (73%) for operations, maintenance, or capital expenses.  Two percent (2%) of the tax will be used for administration of the tax. 

The tax rate will remain unchanged at 5%, and any increase to the tax rate or change of its use will require voter approval.  The expiration date of the tax will be December 31, 2040.

A “No” vote means the existing Food and Beverage Tax allocation will stay the same, with tax revenues going towards park capital expenses (not less than 25%), street repair debt or parks capital expenses (up to 73%), and tax administration (2%).

ANY ELECTOR DISSATISFIED WITH THE BALLOT TITLE may petition the Circuit Court seeking a different title and stating the reasons the title filed is insufficient, not concise or unfair.  Petition must name as respondent the City Attorney and must be filed no later than the 7th day after ballot title is filed with the City Recorder, February 28, 2023.  The court shall review the title and measure to be initiated or referred, hear arguments, if any, and certify to the city elections officer a title for the measure which meets the requirements of ORS 250.035.

AN ELECTOR FILING A PETITION shall notify the city elections officer in writing that the petition has been filed.  The notice shall be given NO LATER THAN 5 p.m. on the next business day following the day the petition is filed. ORS 250.296(2).

Melissa Huhtala, City Recorder

Picture of Jordin


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