On April 25, 2023, the Ashland Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m. for the following item:
SUBJECT PROPERTY: 1111 Granite Street
APPLICANT: City of Ashland, Public Works Department
OWNER: City of Ashland
DESCRIPTION: A request for Site Design Review and Conditional Use Permit approvals to construct a new water treatment plant (WTP) for the 80-acre city-owned property at 1111 Granite Street. The application also includes: Exceptions to the Site Design Development & Design Standards with regard to bicycle parking, pedestrian access and circulation, plant sizes, street trees, irrigation system design standards, fences and walls and open space; Exceptions to the Street Design Standards; Physical & Environmental Constraints Review Permits for Hillside Lands with Severe Constraints and Floodplain Lands, Exceptions to the Development Standards for Hillside Lands, and a Limited Use Permit to construct a new road crossing over Ashland Creek at Horn Creek Road to provide access to the WTP; a Variance to the WR zone’s 35-foot maximum building height to allow a 48-foot structure; and a Tree Removal Permit to remove 99 trees within the proposed building envelopes, roads, paved surfaces, and areas to be graded. Trees to be removed will be mitigated on a one-for-one basis, and the remaining 848 trees on the lot will not be impacted. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: WR-20; ZONING: Woodland Residential; MAP: 39 1E 17; TAX LOT: 600
The public hearing will be televised on local channel 9 or channels 180 and 181 for Charter Communications customers or will also be available live stream by going to rvtv.sou.edu and selecting RVTV Prime. The meeting agenda and information about how to testify and submit written comments will be posted on the City of Ashland web site here https://www.ashland.or.us/Agendas.asp?SectionID=0&CCBID=198 .
Those wishing to submit written comments can do so by sending an e-mail to [email protected] with the subject line “April 25 Hearing Testimony” by 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 25, 2023. Written testimony received by this deadline will be available for Planning Commissioners to review before the hearing and will be included in the meeting minutes.
Oral testimony will also be taken during the electronic public hearing via Zoom as well. If you wish to provide oral testimony during the electronic meeting, please send an email to [email protected] by 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 25, 2023. Please provide the following information: 1) make the subject line of the email “April 25 Speaker Request”, 2) include your name, 3) the agenda item on which you wish to speak, 4) specify if you will be participating by computer or telephone, and 5) the name you will use if participating by computer or the telephone number you will use if participating by telephone. The Zoom meeting link will be posted on the Planning Commission agenda available on-line prior to the meeting at: https://www.ashland.or.us/Agendas.asp?SectionID=0&CCBID=198.
By the order of Brandon Goldman, Interim Community Development Director
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Administrator’s office at (541) 488-6002 (TTY phone number 1-800-735-2900). Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the city to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title I).