Threat deemed ‘not credible,’ but officer stationed at AMS on Friday staff report
A threat deemed not credible but that was made via a social media app at Ashland Middle School Friday prompted presence at the school by Ashland Police.
“We want to share an important update with you concerning a recent incident that took place on social media,” said Samuel Bogdanove, superintendent of Ashland School District, in an email to student parents, guardians and families. “Our primary aim in communicating this information is to ensure that you are well-informed without causing undue alarm.”
The concerning post was discovered in a student Snapchat group, Bogdanove said.
“This post contained a non-specific threat,” he said. “As soon as we became aware of this post, the Ashland Middle School administration took immediate action by contacting the Ashland Police Department.”
The threat appears to be a reposting of a message that has circulated previously and is not deemed credible, according to a news release.
A similar incident was reported in May at Phoenix High School that was found to be part of a nationwide hoax.
If you have more information about the threat made, reach reporter Holly Dillemuth at [email protected].
Sept. 15: Added link to superintendent’s email.