Poetry Corner: Remembering Almeda
Poetry Corner: The Almeda Fire was a community disaster, that brought the community more closely together. Two poets remember it in its anniversary month.
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Poetry Corner: The Almeda Fire was a community disaster, that brought the community more closely together. Two poets remember it in its anniversary month.
Store Manager Rona will be sharing the benefits of planting perennials in the fall with tips and tricks to get the most out of your plantings. She will also go
Ask Strider: A reader wants to know why a dog advice column is taking up space when the world is on fire. And another reader asks if Strider is prepared for a fire on his home turf. As usual, our Dog About Town does the best he can to pour water on the flames of anxiety.
Now that the Klamath dams are removed and the restoration of the Klamath River is underway, many people are turning their attention to other dams in the region with negative ecological consequences that also block fish passage, including Applegate Dam.
Last week’s extended stretch of snowy weather tested Ashland’s capacity to offer the unhoused shelter out of the storm. With just 14 sleeping spots available at the city’s shelter, other organizations opened additional spaces, and the city temporarily raised its capacity due to emergency conditions.
The Ashland Sunrise Project is hosting an opportunity for community members to learn about current immigration issues and how to be in solidarity with those potentially impacted by the changing political climate on immigration. The event, titled “How To Do No Harm and Be a Good Neighbor,” is set for 6 to 7:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 24, at Rogue Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (RVUUF), 87 4th St., Ashland.
Two weeks after its first February meeting was canceled due to unsafe road conditions due to snow, the Ashland City Council takes up business Tuesday, Feb. 17, it had expected to handle on Feb. 4. Its Feb. 3 study session, however, which was also canceled, is still pending as Monday, Feb. 17, was Presidents Day.
Obituary: Eliane A. Mueller Trapp Viner, 86, died on Thursday, Dec. 19, 2024 — on her own terms and surrounded by loved ones — in Medford, Oregon, after three months of hospice care. A celebration of life will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, March 1, in Ashland, Oregon, and online.
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