Some nice words from readers, some snarky comments on that CIA column, and one question a dog can’t answer on his own
By Strider the Dog
Dear Strider,
Congratulations on finding a forever home! You deserve one, as do all creatures.
Welcome to Ashland, Oregon, and!
— Debra W.

Dear Debra:
Thank you so much. It’s great being part of Ashland and
At the dog park, we dogs love sharing stories about our forever homes. It’s one of our favorite activities. Here’s hoping more dogs and cats at the Jackson County Animal Shelter get adopted quickly. And that they can join us in the dog park soon! (Well, not the cats, but you get my gist.)
Hi Strider,
I remember Tod mentioning to me that you’d started offering advice in
Perhaps this will inspire more crosswords so that canines will have as much grid time as deer, turkeys and crabs.
Anyway, congrats and hope that you are receiving extra treats, petting and play for your efforts.
— Steve
Dear Steve,
It’s an honor having a column sharing space on with your crossword puzzles. Not that I can manage to figure out how to solve one yet. But it’s great to be part of the team.
Maybe you could do one on Ashland dogs? We’d love that at the dog park.
We dogs scratch our heads trying to figure out how you humans can do such amazing things. But then, you guys invented libraries. How cool is that?
Thanks again for being a cool human.
Dear Strider,
I just wanted to express my appreciation for your canine wisdom. You sure understand the silliness and self-orientation of the human species — an odd lot, wouldn’t you say?
OK, I will admit to being the “servant of two masters” — that is, two felines. I think you would like them. I love both canines and felines — you all are much more sensible than the human variety!
— Linda B.
Dear Linda,
It’s so nice of your cats to let you send praise my way. Please give them my best to them. It sounds like you guys are lucky to have each other.
And thanks!
Dear Strider,
(re: “Ask Strider: Living Well is the Best Revenge”)
They tried to train cats? Worse than an exploding cigar.
Love your column.
— Anonymous
Dear Anonymous,
Thanks for the love. We dogs never can get enough. (Also, what’s this about a cigar? I’ll have to ask Tod. She reads history.)
Dear Strider,
(re: “Ask Strider: Living Well is the Best Revenge”)
I have a distinct recollection of piling in the station wagon with the fam to go to the drive-in in 1965 to see “That Darn Cat.” The 7-year-old me had no idea it was a documentary!
— Bert E.
Dear Bert,
This makes me happy. My editor reads my columns! For sure, I’ll remember you come syndication.
Dear Strider,
Hope you are well.
I’m not sure if you know the answer to this or maybe you can point me to the right person to ask.
We live up on Scenic Drive and see two very bright stadium type lights in Southeast Ashland shining way up to the area of Scenic Drive/west hills. I suspect they are supposed to be lighting an athletic field, but wonder why so much light escapes the field area and shines on the rest of Ashland.
In today’s world, many communities try to manage to achieve a “Dark Sky” status. Is there any regulation in Ashland of lighting?
— Glenn
Dear Glenn,
Wow, I really feel I’ve made it as an advice columnist. Remember, I’m always eager to wag not bark. So even though I don’t have any clue how to answer this important question, I sent it off to my editor, Bert Etling (I love saying “my editor,” take that, Lassie), and this was his very informative reply:
“For city questions, probably best to go to
There’s some social media chit chat that it’s AT&T’s new cell tower by the SOU stadium, but AT&T just put antennas on the tower, not lights. That’s SOU. So maybe:
Joe Mosley – SOU Director of Community and Media Relations
Phone: 541-552-6719
Glenn can also contact these folks and find out if there are active local groups working on the issue:“
Thanks, Bert! You’re the best editor a dog could have.
And thanks, Glenn, for having such a high opinion of a mere dog advice columnist.
See you all next week!
Need an answer to some pressing question? Just want to sound off about this or that? Why not join the crowd, and Ask Strider? Email [email protected].